Kamis, 29 Januari 2009
Tujuh Indikator Kebahagiaan Dunia
Pertama, Qalbun syakirun atau hati yang selalu bersyukur.
Memiliki jiwa syukur berarti selalu menerima apa adanya (qona’ah), sehingga tidak ada ambisi yang berlebihan, tidak ada stress, inilah nikmat bagi hati yang selalu bersyukur. Seorang yang pandai bersyukur sangatlah cerdas memahami sifat-sifat Allah SWT, sehingga apapun yang diberikan Allah ia malah terpesona dengan pemberian dan keputusan Allah. Bila sedang kesulitan maka ia segera ingat sabda Rasulullah SAW yaitu : "Kalau kita sedang sulit perhatikanlah orang yang lebih sulit dari kita". Bila sedang diberi kemudahan, ia bersyukur dengan memperbanyak amal ibadahnya, kemudian Allah pun akan mengujinya dengan kemudahan yang lebih besar lagi. Bila ia tetap “bandel” dengan terus bersyukur maka Allah akan mengujinya lagi dengan kemudahan yang lebih besar lagi. Maka berbahagialah orang yang pandai bersyukur!
Kedua. Al azwaju shalihah, yaitu pasangan hidup yang sholeh.
Pasangan hidup yang sholeh akan menciptakan suasana rumah dan keluarga yang sholeh pula. Di akhirat kelak seorang suami (sebagai imam keluarga) akan diminta pertanggungjawaban dalam mengajak istri dan anaknya kepada kesholehan. Berbahagialah menjadi seorang istri bila memiliki suami yang sholeh, yang pasti akan bekerja keras untuk mengajak istri dan anaknya menjadi muslim yang sholeh. Demikian pula seorang istri yang sholeh, akan memiliki kesabaran dan keikhlasan yang luar biasa dalam melayani suaminya, walau seberapa buruknya kelakuan suaminya. Maka berbahagialah menjadi seorang suami yang memiliki seorang istri yang sholeh.
Ketiga, al auladun abrar, yaitu anak yang soleh.
Saat Rasulullah SAW lagi thawaf. Rasulullah SAW bertemu dengan seorang anak muda yang pundaknya lecet-lecet. Setelah selesai thawaf Rasulullah SAW bertanya kepada anak muda itu : "Kenapa pundakmu itu ?" Jawab anak muda itu : "Ya Rasulullah, saya dari Yaman, saya mempunyai seorang ibu yang sudah udzur. Saya sangat mencintai dia dan saya tidak pernah melepaskan dia. Saya melepaskan ibu saya hanya ketika buang hajat, ketika sholat, atau ketika istirahat, selain itu sisanya saya selalu menggendongnya". Lalu anak muda itu bertanya: " Ya Rasulullah, apakah aku sudah termasuk kedalam orang yang sudah berbakti kepada orang tua ?" Nabi SAW sambil memeluk anak muda itu dan mengatakan: "Sungguh Allah ridho kepadamu, kamu anak yang soleh, anak yang berbakti, tapi anakku ketahuilah, cinta orangtuamu tidak akan terbalaskan olehmu". Dari hadist tersebut kita mendapat gambaran bahwa amal ibadah kita ternyata tidak cukup untuk membalas cinta dan kebaikan orang tua kita, namun minimal kita bisa memulainya dengan menjadi anak yang soleh, dimana doa anak yang sholeh kepada orang tuanya dijamin dikabulkan Allah. Berbahagialah kita bila memiliki anak yang sholeh.
Keempat, albiatu sholihah, yaitu lingkungan yang kondusif untuk iman kita.
Yang dimaksud dengan lingkungan yang kondusif ialah, kita boleh mengenal siapapun tetapi untuk menjadikannya sebagai sahabat karib kita, haruslah orang-orang yang mempunyai nilai tambah terhadap keimanan kita. Dalam sebuah haditsnya, Rasulullah menganjurkan kita untuk selalu bergaul dengan orang-orang yang sholeh. Orang-orang yang sholeh akan selalu mengajak kepada kebaikan dan mengingatkan kita bila kita berbuat salah. Orang-orang sholeh adalah orang-orang yang bahagia karena nikmat iman dan nikmat Islam yang selalu terpancar pada cahaya wajahnya. Insya Allah cahaya tersebut akan ikut menyinari orang-orang yang ada disekitarnya. Berbahagialah orang-orang yang selalu dikelilingi oleh orang-orang yang sholeh.
Kelima, al malul halal, atau harta yang halal.
Paradigma dalam Islam mengenai harta bukanlah banyaknya harta tetapi halalnya. Ini tidak berarti Islam tidak menyuruh umatnya untuk kaya. Dalam riwayat Imam Muslim di dalam bab sadaqoh, Rasulullah SAW pernah bertemu dengan seorang sahabat yang berdoa mengangkat tangan. "Kamu berdoa sudah bagus", kata Nabi SAW, "Namun sayang makanan, minuman dan pakaian dan tempat tinggalnya didapat secara haram, bagaimana doanya dikabulkan”. Berbahagialah menjadi orang yang hartanya halal karena doanya sangat mudah dikabulkan Allah. Harta yang halal juga akan menjauhkan setan dari hatinya, maka hatinya semakin bersih, suci dan kokoh, sehingga memberi ketenangan dalam hidupnya. Maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang selalu dengan teliti menjaga kehalalan hartanya.
Keenam, Tafakuh fi dien, atau semangat untuk memahami agama.
Semangat memahami agama diwujudkan dalam semangat memahami ilmu-ilmu agama Islam. Semakin ia belajar, maka semakin ia terangsang untuk belajar lebih jauh lagi ilmu mengenai sifat-sifat Allah dan ciptaan-Nya. Allah menjanjikan nikmat bagi umat-Nya yang menuntut ilmu, semakin ia belajar semakin cinta ia kepada agamanya, semakin tinggi cintanya kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya. Cinta inilah yang akan memberi cahaya bagi hatinya. Semangat memahami agama akan meng ”hidup” kan hatinya, hati yang “hidup” adalah hati yang selalu dipenuhi cahaya nikmat Islam dan nikmat iman. Maka berbahagialah orang yang penuh semangat memahami ilmu agama Islam.
Ketujuh, yaitu umur yang baroqah.
Umur yang baroqah itu artinya umur yang semakin tua semakin sholeh, yang setiap detiknya diisi dengan amal ibadah. Seseorang yang mengisi hidupnya untuk kebahagiaan dunia semata, maka hari tuanya akan diisi dengan banyak bernostalgia (berangan-angan) tentang masa mudanya, iapun cenderung kecewa dengan ketuaannya (post-power syndrome). Disamping itu pikirannya terfokus pada bagaimana caranya menikmati sisa hidupnya, maka iapun sibuk berangan-angan terhadap kenikmatan dunia yang belum ia sempat rasakan, hatinya kecewa bila ia tidak mampu menikmati kenikmatan yang diangankannya. Sedangkan orang yang mengisi umurnya dengan banyak mempersiapkan diri untuk akhirat (melalui amal ibadah) maka semakin tua semakin rindu ia untuk bertemu dengan Sang Penciptanya. Hari tuanya diisi dengan bermesraan dengan Sang Maha Pengasih. Tidak ada rasa takutnya untuk meninggalkan dunia ini, bahkan ia penuh harap untuk segera merasakan keindahan alam kehidupan berikutnya seperti yang dijanjikan Allah. Inilah semangat “hidup” orang-orang yang baroqah umurnya, maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang umurnya baroqah.
Demikianlah pesan-pesan dari Ibnu Abbas ra. mengenai 7 indikator kebahagiaan dunia.
Bagaimana caranya agar kita dikaruniakan Allah ke tujuh buah indikator kebahagiaan dunia tersebut ? Selain usaha keras kita untuk memperbaiki diri, maka mohonlah kepada Allah SWT dengan sesering dan se-khusyu’ mungkin membaca doa ‘sapu jagat’ , yaitu doa yang paling sering dibaca oleh Rasulullah SAW. Dimana baris pertama doa tersebut “Rabbanaa aatina fid dun-yaa hasanaw” (yang artinya “Ya Allah karuniakanlah aku kebahagiaan dunia ”), mempunyai makna bahwa kita sedang meminta kepada Allah ke tujuh indikator kebahagiaan dunia yang disebutkan Ibnu Abbas ra, yaitu hati yang selalu syukur, pasangan hidup yang soleh, anak yang soleh, teman-teman atau lingkungan yang soleh, harta yang halal, semangat untuk memahami ajaran agama, dan umur yang baroqah.
Walaupun kita akui sulit mendapatkan ketujuh hal itu ada di dalam genggaman kita, setidak-tidaknya kalau kita mendapat sebagian saja sudah patut kita syukuri.
Sedangkan mengenai kelanjutan doa sapu jagat tersebut yaitu “wa fil aakhirati hasanaw” (yang artinya “dan juga kebahagiaan akhirat”), untuk memperolehnya hanyalah dengan rahmat Allah. Kebahagiaan akhirat itu bukan surga tetapi rahmat Allah, kasih sayang Allah. Surga itu hanyalah sebagian kecil dari rahmat Allah, kita masuk surga bukan karena amal soleh kita, tetapi karena rahmat Allah.
Amal soleh yang kita lakukan sepanjang hidup kita (walau setiap hari puasa dan sholat malam) tidaklah cukup untuk mendapatkan tiket masuk surga. Amal soleh sesempurna apapun yang kita lakukan seumur hidup kita tidaklah sebanding dengan nikmat surga yang dijanjikan Allah.
Kata Nabi SAW, “Amal soleh yang kalian lakukan tidak bisa memasukkan kalian ke surga”. Lalu para sahabat bertanya: “Bagaimana dengan Engkau ya Rasulullah ?”. Jawab Rasulullah SAW : “Amal soleh saya pun juga tidak cukup”. Lalu para sahabat kembali bertanya : “Kalau begitu dengan apa kita masuk surga?”. Nabi SAW kembali menjawab : “Kita dapat masuk surga hanya karena rahmat dan kebaikan Allah semata”.
Jadi sholat kita, puasa kita, taqarub kita kepada Allah sebenarnya bukan untuk surga tetapi untuk mendapatkan rahmat Allah. Dengan rahmat Allah itulah kita mendapatkan surga Allah (Insya Allah, Amiin).
(Sumber tulisan: ceramah Ustad Aam Aminudin, Lc. di Sapporo, Jepang, disarikan secara bebas oleh Sdr. Asep Tata Permana, sedikit diedit oleh Penjaga Kebun Hikmah)
Cara Membersihkan Diri / Fiqih Thaharah
Oleh: Tim dakwatuna.com
Pada dasarnya, thaharah (bersuci) tidak terlepas dari air yang digunakan untuk bersuci dan kotoran (dalam hal ini najis) yang ingin dibersihkan. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini memaparkan secara sederhana mengenai hukum air, macam-macam najis, bagaimana cara membersihkan najis, dan bagaimana adab-adab buang hajat. Semoga bermanfaat.
Hukum Air
Empat macam air itu adalah:
1. Air Muthlaq, seperti air hujan, air sungai, air laut; hukumnya suci dan mensucikan
2. Air Musta’mal, yaitu air yang lepas dari anggota tubuh orng yang sedang berwudhu atau mandi, dan tidak mengenai benda najis; hukumnya suci seperti yang disepakati para ulama, dan tidak mensucikan menurut jumhurul ulama
3. Air yang bercampur benda suci, seperti sabun dan cuka, selama percampuran itu sedikit tidak mengubah nama air, maka hukumnya masih suci mensucikan, menurut Madzhab Hanafi, dan tidak mensucikan menurut Imam Syafi’i dan Malik.
4. Air yang terkena najis, jika mengubah rasa, warna, atau aromanya, maka hukumnya najis tidak boleh dipakai bersuci, menurut ijma’. Sedang jika tidak mengubah salah satu sifatnya, maka mensucikan, menurut Imam Malik, baik air itu banyak atau sedikit; tidak mensuciakn menurut Madzhab Hanafi; mensucikan menurut Madzhab Syafi’i jika telah mencapai dua kulah, yang diperkirakan sebanyak volume tempat yang berukuran 60 cm3.
Su’r (sisa) yaitu air yang tersisa di tempat minum setelah diminum:
1. Sisa anak Adam (manusia) hukumnya suci, meskipun ia seorang kafir, junub, atau haidh.
2. Sisa kucing dan hewan yang halal dagingnya, hukumnya suci.
3. Sisa keledai dan binatang buas, juga burung, hukumnya suci menurut madzhab Hanafi.
4. Sedangkan sisa anjing dan babi, hukumnya najis menurut seluruh ulama
Najis dan Cara Membersihkannya
A. Najis
Najis adalah kotoran yang wajib dibersihkan oleh setiap muslim, dengan mencuci benda yang terkena.
Macam najis:
1. Air kencing, tinja manusia, dan hewan yang tidak halal dagingnya, telah disepakati para ulama. Sedangkan kotoran hewan yang halal dimakan dagingnya, hukumnya najis menurut madzhab Hanafi dan Syafi’i; dan suci menurut madzhab Maliki dan Hanbali.
2. Madzyi, yaitu air putih lengket yang keluar ketika seseorang sedang berpikir tentang seks dan sejenisnya.
3. Wadi, yaitu air putih yang keluar setelah buang air kecil.
4. Darah yang mengalir. Sedangkan yang sedikit di-ma’fu. Menurut madzhab Syafi’i darah nyamuk, kutu, dan sejenisnya dima’fu jika secara umum dianggap sedikit.
5 . Anjing dan babi
6. Muntahan.
7. Bangkai, kecuali mayat manusia, ikan dan belalang, dan hewan yang tidak berdarah mengalir.
B. Menghilangkan najis
Jika ada najis yang mengenai badan, pakaian manusia, atau lainnya, maka wajib dibersihkan. Jika tidak terlihat, maka wajib dibersihkan tempatnya sehingga dugaan kuat najis telah dibersihkan. Sedangkan pembersihan bejana yang pernah dijilat anjing, wajib dibasuh dengan tujuh kali dan salah satunya dengan debu.
Sedangkan sentuhan anjing dengan fisik manusia, tidak membutuhkan pembersihan melebihi cara pembersihan yang biasa . Sedang najis sedikit yang tidak memungkinkan dihindari, hukumnya dimaafkan. Demikianlah hukum sedikit darah dan muntahan. Diringankan pula hukum air kencing bayi yang belum makan makanan, hanya cukup dengan diperciki air.
C. Adab Buang Hajat
Jika seorang muslim hendak buang hajat, maka harus memperhatikan hal-hal berikut ini:
1. Tidak membawa apapun yang ada nama Allah, kecuali jika takut hilang.
2. Membaca basmalah, isti’adzah ketika masuk, dan tidak berbicara ketika ada di dalamnya.
3. Tidak menghadap kiblat atau membelakanginya. Hal ini harus menjadi perhatian setiap muslim jika membangun kamar mandi.
4. Jika sedang berada di perjalanan, tidak boleh melakukannya di jalan, atau di bawah teduhan. Harus menjauhi liang hewan.
5. Tidak kencing berdiri, kecuali jika aman dari percikan (seperti kencing di tempat kencing yang tinggi; urinoir)
6. Wajib membersihkan najis yang ada di organ pembuangan dengan air atau dengan benda keras lainnya, tidak dengan tangan kanan. Membersihkan tangan dengan air dan sabun jika ada.
7. Mendahulukan kaki kiri ketika masuk dengan membaca:
اللهمّ إني أعوذ بك من الخبث والخبائث وأعوذ بك ربي أن يحضرون “, dan keluar dengan kaki kanan sambil membaca: غفرانك
Jumat, 02 Januari 2009
What is really "New" in this "New Year"?
Anand Krishna , Jakarta | Fri, 01/02/2009 10:29 AM | Opinion
"Old habits," they say, "die hard". We talk about change, but we dread change. We are comfortable with the old and known patterns of life and living.
It should not surprise us therefore, if the "new"-ly elected chairman of our chamber of commerce follows the same "old" pattern. True to tradition, he has indicated his support for President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's rerun for presidency next year well ahead of time (The Jakarta Post, Dec. 23, 2008). Good start, bravo!
Deja* vu, this has happened before!
Not once, not twice but several times. When the late president Soeharto was in office, individuals, institutions and even clergy did the same. The supremo of our chamber of commerce (KADIN) continues the tradition, topped with some democracy though. His support is not unconditional. There are strings attached -- some visible, others invisible.
Visible strings are that the President must have a team of professional "economic" ministers in his cabinet, that he does not appoint someone just to please the political parties supporting him. Invisible strings are plenty; one of them may have resulted in the "blessings" for some of our shrewd businessmen.
I must congratulate KADIN Chairman Hidayat for that. But, please, Sir; do not stop at "economic" ministers only. The economy can no longer be separated from social and security issues, nor from our foreign as well as domestic policies. Not only the "economic", but also all other ministers must be professional. We have had enough of unprofessional party cadres in our cabinet.
What remains to be seen now is how our President will respond to this. Unlike the 2004 elections, the support he is getting this time is not unconditional. Earlier, an overwhelming majority of people elected him almost unconditionally, now conditions and expectations are applicable.
If he is re-elected this time, than he must decide whether he wants to remain a politician and remembered by history only as one of several of our presidents -- or as a true statesman working for the nation.
Politics ensures power and authority, but it is not enduring. Working in the interests of the people, dedicating oneself to the welfare of an entire nation ensures love. And, love is enduring. A time comes when a politician must decide, whether he wants to be honored and respected or loved by his people.
Our beloved President is a seasoned politician, no doubt about that. But, even politicians are human. All of them have the seeds of love within them. These seeds are ready to sprout anytime -- just a bit of tending and caring is required. But, one must attend to this immediately, since seeds can die. The fountain of love within us can dry up.
If you are elected for the second term, Mr. President -- let us forget politics without principles. Let us stop being goody-goody and try to be good instead. Let us not worry about popularity. Let us risk being unpopular instead, for the sake of truth. Let us not sacrifice our soul for the sake of material gain. Let us not honor the traitors and those who are against the very principles binding us all as "a" nation. Let us clearly identify "our" friends and foes. And, "our" friends are those who are fully committed to the integration of our nation, those who are not dreaming of changing our constitution and state ideology.
We do not have to hate anyone, not even our foes. But, in the interest of this nation, we must guard our nation and ourselves from their attacks, no matter how mild they are.
Whoever is elected as our next president, must first preside over his or her senses and petty preferences.
Recently I had the rare opportunity of meeting with a very senior politician for our region. He told me about the meeting he had had with one of our presidential candidates, who he warned about the role the candidate's spouse had played, or rather had overplayed.
The candidate agreed and regretted it, "but, he/she stood by me when I was being attacked and humiliated, and ...."
Hmm, the senior politician asked me, "As a spiritualist what would you say?" What would I say? What would Krishna say to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, when he was facing a similar dilemma? He had to raise his arms against his cousins, relatives, friends and even mentors.
Krishna was very clear, "You are not fighting for your own sake, and you are not fighting for the sake of your country alone. You are fighting for the sake of righteousness."
Forget righteousness, even for the sake of nation and country, our petty relations and family businesses must take the back seat. Nation first.
Whoever is elected as our next president, you, Sir, or whoever, must always remember that it is only those who "serve" the nation wholeheartedly who are remembered by history. Others are forgotten. They may fare well in the media, but don't you forget, Sir, Madam, that today's newspaper is tomorrow's waste paper. It is good for the day only.
Soeharto was made to believe by the coterie around him -- including the financial institutions and heads of state -- that everything was fine with his governance. He listened to them, and he paid the price. Don't you, Mr. President, Madam President, repeat the same mistake.
Let us add something new, something fresh to the coming year -- let us make it really a new year. We can, if we stand together and work hand in hand .... Insya Allah, God help us.
Stage your Property for Sale
Present your house well
Apply the fundamental concept of any sale to your house sale and make your house presentable. You need to view your house critically, from the buyer’s perspective. If need be, spend few pennies on small repairs such as trimming the hedges and cutting the lawn. Also consider giving your house a little bit of touch-up or get it painted. It surely pays to present the house for sale as a neat and well-kept hotel room.
Brighten the house
To make the atmosphere of your house bright, remove all the clutter and unwanted stuff in the rooms. Organize all the elements of the house for sale to make it look more attractive.
Lighting is an important part of interior décor, so you make it a point to fix designer lights with vibrant colors that can add to the rooms’ visual appeal. If you want to give the buyer a personalized experience and want to make him feel as if he has been staying there, remove all the personal pictures and replace them with pleasing paintings or artifacts of different prints and decors.
Seek Professional Help
If you find it difficult to do all this staging work by yourself, then discuss this with your property agent. He may help you to find a home staging professional, who can direct you to make the desired changes in your house. If the need be, he may also take up the execution responsibility on your behalf for a fees.
Many a times, the agents may help you to hire a stager and incorporate his services within the property deal itself. Such value-added services are gaining significance, as agents may not like to disclose to the buyer short-comings of your house or the need for its renovation, since it can cause displeasure to the buyers. The staging professionals work according to the buyer’s perspective to make them fell like all their belongings fit into the new house perfectly. They make the desired changes as per the taste and requirement of the purchasers.
Strike the deal
Many sellers may feel such a deal would be an extravagant affair, but if you compare the returns of a staged property to that of an unkempt house, the deal may be alluring. So, don’t give it a second thought and start the work now.
Kamis, 01 Januari 2009
How To Be Your Own Best Advertisement
Entrepreneur Magazine called not too long ago to get my take on how to be your own best walking advertisement without becoming offensive, off-putting or in people's faces. There's definitely a fine line between authentic self-promotion and being pushy. Today, I'll share with you one of the tips I shared with the editor for making people aware of your problem-solving resources, without becoming 'Client Repulsive'. The tip? GIVE GENEROUSLY.
It's easier to promote when you are GIVING something of high-value to a prospect. It's an approach of SERVICE rather than 'selling something' or trying to 'get something' from your prospect. GIVING is much more Client Attractive and takes the pressure off of the person (and yourself). Let's face it; people love to buy, but they don't like to be sold. So, make it easy on them by giving them something.
When working with private clients who want to quickly build a database of prospects and fill their pipeline consistently, we almost always create something called an "Irresistible Offer", something that has a high perception of value, offered at no charge. Something that will create the WOW factor and naturally PULL them in. For example, my website offers an audio CD at no charge on the home page. This is my version of the Irresistible Offer.
Instead of trying to explain my work at length to a prospect, which would turn someone off immediately, it's much easier to say something like, "Go to my website to order the audio CD at no charge and you'll also get a subscription to weekly marketing articles. My treat."
When you do that, two things happen. 1) There's a WOW factor that gets them excited. 2) They're often impressed that you would give something of such value at no charge, which makes you look even better in their eyes. And, 3) you let the high-content of your 'Irresistible Offer' demonstrate the value of what you offer, so there doesn't need to be any selling.
When you give good content at no charge, people automatically realize that this is just the tip of your iceberg and they'll get that your paid stuff will be even more valuable. It doesn't have to be a CD. It can be a special report, an audio download, a seminar or teleclass. Anything that has a high perceived value will work, as long as the content is very good. That way, marketing feels authentic to you AND to the person you're talking to.
Best of all, if the information on your giveaways is of high-content and high-value, word will spread quickly. They'll tell their colleagues, their friends, anyone who will listen, but only if you've given them something of value. And then it's just a question of providing more high content on a regular basis through easy stay-in-touch marketing vehicles, until the trust and credibility has been established and the prospect raises their hand when they're ready for your service or product. You'll be shocked at how quickly your pipeline will fill when you have the right 'Irresistible Offer'.
The key is, when you give generously, both in a giveaway and in content, you make it OK to offer other resources that will help that prospect. It's like reading your favorite magazine. When you love every article, chances are the ads in the magazine will also appeal to you. Same thing here.
Your Client Attraction Assignment:
So, start thinking about how you can give more generously:
• A special report?
• An audio download?
• A CD?
• A live seminar?
• A teleclass?
Once you put it together, make sure it's high-content (without giving away the farm) and that you have a way of continuing to speak to them regularly with more high-value stay-in-touch marketing vehicles. Then, you avoid being Client Repulsive and instead, you become extremely Client Attractive.
Fabienne Fredrickson, The Client Attraction Expert, is founder of the Client Attraction System?, the proven step-by-step program to help you attract more clients, in record time and consistently. To sign up for her freebie how-to articles and no-charge teleclasses on attracting more clients, visit www.ClientAttraction.com. Article on Client Attraction, Growth, Advertisement, Repulsive by Fabienne Fredrickson
Tags: [cached]: entrepreneur magazine, problem solving resources, weekly marketing, marketing articles, private clients, self promotion, audio cd, pipeline, perception, prospects, advertisement,
How to Get More Website Traffic & Convert Visitors into Buyers in Just 3 Steps
The sheer number of e-commerce websites that exist today is enough to overwhelm any consumer and make the Internet marketing challenge for business owners seem insurmountable. Bob Regnarus, also known as "The Leads King," has made a successful business out of helping business owners drive more traffic to their websites and inspire visitors to buy once they get there.
Bob was selected to offer his web marketing expertise in "Start Your Own Information Marketing Business," a new book from the Information Marketing Association. This new book is an essential how-to guide for anyone interested in starting an information marketing business, and features insight from 12 of the biggest names in the industry. In it, Bob shares his secrets for maximizing online sales through search engine optimization and more.
Here is the Leads King's 3 Basic Phases to Getting More Website Traffic and Sales Now
1. Understand What You Really Need from Your Website
Determining what your website can and cannot do is the first phase. Setting the right expectations for a site can help businesses invest their time and effort into marketing to target customers. The point is to avoid wasting time on people who will never become customers.
Remember your website should be a lead generation tool. So, you want to focus on targeted leads that are a perfect match for the products and services you provide. Make sure you build an opt-in option on your website's landing page. This is where you make an offer in order to collect contact information from visitors. You might offer free, valuable information such as access to a newsletter or a complimentary lesson or session. This is important to your strategy for making building your list and starting a customer relationship that leads to more sales.
2. Build an Attractive Site With Your Objective in Mind
The second phase of a web traffic campaign is to build or alter a website so it fits the new strategy for generating sales leads and attracting target customers. An attractive website is easy to understand, and is interesting and engaging. It does not mean you should spend money on expensive graphic design or Flash animation �" in fact Bob strongly advises you not to waste your money on elements that will not directly help you increase your website sales conversions. Instead, focus on communicating to visitors what your business offers and why they should be interested.
3. Drive Additional Traffic Through Advertising, SEO and Promotion
The third phase of the campaign is to make it easy for potential customers to find your website through search-engine optimization (SEO), article marketing, pay-per-click advertising and other advanced promotional tools.
Investing in online advertising is crucial to promoting your website, but there are also many low-cost strategies. Effective SEO tactics include creating external links, regular website updates and keyword saturation. Other little known channels for driving website traffic include promoting sites through blogs, articles and press releases. According to Bob you don't have to be a technological wizard or a marketing genius to improve your search engine ranking and generate traffic to your website.
Follow Bob's step-by-step directions and you will get more website traffic and sales. To learn more about SEO opportunities and discover how to create effective advertising campaigns with search engines look for more advice from Bob in Start Your Own Information Marketing Business. This information marketing how-to guide is available in bookstores now.
Robert Skrob, President of the Information Marketing Association teaches new entrepreneurs and small business owners how to build 6 and 7 figure income information marketing businesses simply by modeling top experts like Bob Regnarus. Now you can get his FREE Video revealing how 5 info-marketers easily created and marketed fast-selling products & how you can too. Get free access now at http://www.infomarketingstartup.com . Article on internet marketing, website conversions, web marketing,SEO by Robert Skrob